Sunday, 25 January 2009

U6th Film Studies- Genre Prep

"Pick a film genre of your choice and write an 800 word essay that identifies its key thematic and stylistic conventions. Make sure that you give plenty of examples to support your answers. Feel free to include images to support your findings. You CAN use horror or action (the genres we looked at on Friday) but I want to see plenty of independent research.

Have a look at this site for some excellent info on a variety of genres. It provides some really good detail on the historical evolution of genres and this is something you should cover in your essay. please don't rely on it though. use other sources too.

800 Words.
Monday week 4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sir. Thanks again for everything! and hope all turns out well with the vast changes up and coming in the new St Bedes year. Great guy, sure to keep in touch. Wonder if you could pass on my thanks to Wellings, Halford and Hickmann also. Cheers, Charlie.